where can i find the affects on human life from hurricane katrina?
2006-03-23 18:06:00 UTC
where can i find the affects on human life from hurricane katrina?
Seven answers:
2006-03-26 09:56:16 UTC
Local. Come and see New Orleans and the Metro area for yourslef. Your answers lie within every business, school, student, teacher, parent, child, that lives and thrives here. Everyone lost something or someone. It will take years for it to ever be considered the same again.
2016-12-07 07:48:55 UTC
gran spoke back extremely a lot what motives hurricanes. And mutually as Katrina did grow to be between the more desirable hurricanes to exist, it truly is not the main useful ever (the checklist for that went to Wilma final 365 days, earlier that Gilbert in 1988, a minimum of for the Atlantic Ocean). Katrina did whether advance as we communicate. It hit south Florida as a reliable tropical typhoon/susceptible typhoon overdue on the twenty 5th/early on the twenty 6th of August. 2 days later it reached class 5 intensity. it truly is not the main rapid strengthening ever (Wilma, back, beat Katrina at doing such), whether it grow to be somewhat rapid. the reason for the fast intensification has a lot to do with a very heat area of water interior the eastern Gulf talked approximately as the Loop cutting-edge. Ocean temperatures final 365 days have been warmer than typical in that area, that's very heat in any case (it additionally would have performed a think approximately rapid strengthening of Charley in 2004). simply by fact it grow to be so heat, the typhoon had a huge warmth source, and bolstered as we communicate. simply by fact the typhoon moved quite as we communicate, it did not weaken a lot earlier accomplishing Louisiana. The importance of the destruction grow to be partly simply by particular geography of recent Orleans, that's decrease than sealevel. Scientists had long recognized a reliable typhoon hitting Katrina may well be a substantial disaster.
2006-03-28 18:54:00 UTC
The physical losses have pretty much been communicated via the media. The emotional losses can't be put into words. Katrina has caused a ripple effect - you don't know what tomorrow will bring - or not bring.

Our church was the only building on our campus not damaged. Now we have a huge influx of weddings because couples who booked weddings at some other churches now have no church.

We have a huge influx of funerals. They are still finding bodies, just getting around to making funeral plans, or (get this)... cemeteries don't have enough people to dig graves, so they have to wait.

If I mail a letter to my neighbor across the street, it still has to go to Baton Rouge to get sorted and delivered. It takes a week to get a first class piece of mail 100 feet.

Companies we once did business with no longer exist. My bills arrive late and so do my payments to my creditors. We have five large tree stumps sticking out the ground, but can't get a business who grinds stumps to call us back - there are none to be rented anywhere.

And this is just ONE story...
2006-03-29 05:43:55 UTC
Ask the locals, like me. Or even better come here. Just seeing it here and the way the people are.

Alot of people are very frustrated and angry all the time. Traffic everywhere it's so hard to get from point A to B. I work in a retail and I'm tired of being screamed at. In the hardest hit parts there is still no power or street lights. And everywhere there is still FEMA trailers
2006-03-25 05:35:11 UTC
Right here. Ask the people of the area. The affect on me was minimal but still substantial, if you know what I mean. Monetary loss was minimal, but the despair of the people who lost everything is something I don't care to see again!
2006-03-23 23:42:43 UTC
ask anyone that went through it both my kids lost everything my apartmant was damaged and the people i thought were my friends took everything i owned.
2006-03-25 08:15:51 UTC
Come down and visit

Everyone is welcome

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